
Friday, November 20, 2015

Cetusan Seorang Rakyay Malaysia.

Saya masih ingat Tun M pernah berpesan,

"Jika orang hadiahkan sesuatu kepada kita, kita mesti fikirkan betul-betul kenapa dia berikan hadiah tersebut."

Misalnya, apabila  Presiden Pervez Musharraf pernah menghadiahkan beliau seekor kuda, Tun M berkata "saya perlu periksa gigi kuda tersebut"

Mendalam kan?

Hari ini President Obama datang melawat Malaysia. Izinkan saya menyampaikan ucapan ringkas untuk beliau.

Good evening and welcome to Malaysia Mr. President!

You have a nice smile. But I must tell you that Malaysians can't smile like we used to smile. Even our Prime Minister doesn't seem to have the sweet smile anymore. Can you ask him why?

One more thing Mr President, we would like to thank you for the visit and the smile I saw in your selfie with our Prime Minister just now.

We can't meet you personally but we pray that while you are here, you won't take anything that belongs to us.

We don't fancy TPPA and the likes.....
We want to celebrate our pride and love for Malaysia among our countrymen.

Thank you.

Anina Saadudin

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